In most BEMS controllers, an estimator needs to know how many of each type of input and output they require, then select the best controller with the least amount of waste. Omni simplifies the estimating process by allowing an estimator to choose the Omni controller that covers the total number of points required for their application. Omni can therefore reduce the number of controllers needed, which is a huge competitive advantage for Innotech partners.
Native BACnet communications allows simple and seamless connections between manufacturers equipment. Omni includes support for both the Innotech and BACnet protocols (BACnet/IP & MS/TP) and/or any combination of these. Omni is classified as a BACnet Building Controller (Profile B-BC) and is listed with BTL on the BACnet International website.
Each Omni controller monitors its own health, and if a fault condition is introduced, Omni will take action to minimize damage to the controller.
Omni's extensive BACnet capabilities and BTL Listing ensures compatibility with other BACnet Control networks. For our Australian partners, this provides a local native BACnet alternative for new and existing clients, and for our global partners this creates avenues to integrate an Innotech open-solution into an existing manufacturer’s network. For both situations, Omni unlocks the handcuffs imposed by other BEMS manufacturers.
Omni's cross-platform, on-board web server makes service and facility maintenance a breeze. Omni is equipped with a powerful on-board web server interface that provide our clients with the ability to manage and control an Omni BEMS controller directly from their own intranet/internet enabled browser, from anywhere in the world
Omni includes battery backup to maintain the time and date of the controller, and any critical values stored prior to an external power-failure. Omni is also equipped with an SD Card for the storage of up to 180,000,000 records of log data. This data is a great secondary local backup when Omni is used in critical applications like Data Centres, Hospital Clean Rooms, Cold Room and Freezer Rooms (HACCP) and much more. Although the data is usually centralised and maintained on a server, Omni provides a backup locally that can equate to months of data, and is accessible directly from the controllers web-server interface.
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